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I’m BradLee, but call me Brad! You know since its mostly what people call me.

Come in, and sit down. Sorry this place is such a mess. I haven’t had time to tidy up yet.

I’m one of Raven’s main characters. No, I’m not a ‘sona. That honour falls on Wommera and Plague. I’m just a bunny she loved to spend time drawing. And writing about. Yeah, she’s working on a small 2 part story about me become a kaiju.

Okay, look. I know her writing isn’t that great, or her drawing, but give her a chance, guys. She really loves doing it, since it helps keep the negativity out of her life. Makes her feel good about herself. So give her some love, okay?


So, me? I’m just a bunny. I found the billabong after Trigger dragged me here. Wommera took one look at me, and adopted me apparently.

She does act like a sister to me. Though I wish she’s stop trying to jump scare me. I mean, I love the girl to death, but sometimes she can be terrifying. Hell, I think she does it just because she knows it scares me…

She’s right behind me, isn’t she?

Autumn Chill
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