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Giant Consequences





Trigger’s head jerked to the side, his body following it. The chair he was bound to kept him from breaking it. his shoulder hit the concrete first, his check following. Pain radiated from the affected area. But he didn’t scream.


“Set the mutt upright.”


Neal's grating voice penetrated the pain slowly fogging his mind. Trigger closed his eyes as he was hauled outright. The world spun even in the dark behind his eyelids. But the sounds of steel on leather had him opening them.


The big black bear stood before him, large hunting knife resting in his paws. He smirked, jowls gleaming in the dull light of the warehouse. The other two bears stood in the background. There were several in background, but they were staying out of sight.


“I’ve been waiting for this for a lone time, Blaze.”


It was so corny, Trigger could barely stop himself from rolling his eyes. “What the hell did I ever do to you, Neal?”


He froze, the smirk turning into a scowl.


Oh shit.


“What did you do?” Neal asked, the flat of the blade smacking against his palm. The thwack it made echoing through the warehouse. “You made my life a living hell!”


The blade clenched in one hand, Neal smashed a fist into Trigger’s face. The werewolf toppled to the ground. Pain flared across his face. Blood dripped from his nose and mouth. His jaw ached. It must be felt dislodged on one side. It couldn’t move properly.




The claws of Neal’s foot struck him in the chest, sending him skidding across the floor. More pain. More blood. The bastard had cut him deep.


Trigger squeezed his eyes shut, trying to fight back the pain.



Claws grabbed him by the scruff, digging in and drawing more blood. The edge of the blade dug into the skin of his throat. The bite had him looking up at him.


“For everything you did,” Neal hissed at him, pressing harder with the blade.



“Every time you humiliated me.”




“This is what you deserve!”


Everyone froze, looking to the roof.


Dust fell, raining down on them. The beams creaked. The roof groaned.


Neal frowned.




Six massive pillars punched through the walls just beneath the roof with a boom. Some force dragged them upwards, pressing into the roof. They halted, pausing there for a moment.


Some of the bears had run for the doors. they tried to open them, but they wouldn’t budge. Panic filled the air.


Neal was frozen, his grip on Trigger still firm. His eyes were locked on those beams. No. not beams. They were fingers.


The roof groaned. Then it was gone.


Rubble and dust rained down on everyone inside. Most coward, trying to clear their eyes and throats. Trigger coughed, and despite the harsh hold on his neck, looked up.


The dust hung thick in the air. It darkened the air. But it did nothing to smother the green light swept over the area.


Neal snapped out of his stupor first. “Guns! Get the guns!”


Only a few managed to respond to the shouted order. Those that did staggered through the rubble towards the small side office, where the handguns were kept. The others were too blinded by their fear, banging on the doors trying to escape.


They went first.


The green light swept over them. Then the golden fingers returned. Honing in on one of the bears, the fingers caught him. he screamed as the fingers closed on him. he was hauled up into the thick dust. His screams suddenly cut off with a crunch.


Silence filled the warehouse.


A wet thunk rung out as something squishy hit the floor. It sent the other bears into a state of panic. The ones who went for guns came back out, aiming, and firing at the green light.


The fingers returned, followed by a massive palm. It bore down on them. it was too large. And it wasn’t stopping. It slammed down into the concrete. It cracked the concrete beneath it’s bulk.


Trigger stared, his gut twisting.


Those…those bears. They were…


The palm lifted. The bodies beneath it…they were mangled. Twisted at broken into a pulp. The palm raised about 10 meters before a groan came from the mangled pile. It paused, then slammed back down.


Trigger lost what little lunch he had.


The other bears didn’t fair any better.


Trigger shut his eyes, blocking out the visuals. But not the sounds. Ripping, tearing, and chewing filled his ears. And the screams… they didn’t stop until the final smash. Then silence.


The pounding of his heat now sounded deafening.


“Screw this!”


The pressure on the baack of Trigger’s neck vanished. The werewolf turned, eyes snapping open to watch Neal try to run across the broken rubble. The…the bastard was leaving him. despite the pain, Trigger struggled against his binds.


The big bear didn’t get very far.


Soaked with blood and chunks of flesh, the massive palm slammed down in front of Neal. The bear was going too fast. He slammed right into the soiled fur. Screams escaped him as the fingers closed around him. He was hauled out of sight.


Silence filled the area. Trigger closed his eyes, unable to take in the bloody carnage surrounding him.


A groan had him looking up. He screamed.


A second hand descended from the thick dust, surrounding him. He winced, waiting for the pain of those fingers clamping down on him. But they were gentle as they closed around him. the chair binding him snapped beneath their touch, but he remained unharmed.


There was pressure as he was lifted skywards. The fingers held him safe as they bore him upwards out of the rubble and dust. They stopped once clear, the fingers uncurling to leave him kneeling on the palm.


He didn’t know what to expect when he looked upwards.


Trigger certainly didn’t expect to see the gentle smile of his best friend shining down on him from the massive beast’s face. A familiar green eye shone down at him, his blind one a silver blue. The massive thumb came up, rubbing the back of his head gently.


“Sorry I’m late, Trig.”

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