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  • J. Hawkins

Kaiju's Invade Coolangatta for NeonFur, 2019

Updated: May 2, 2020

What makes a good furry convention?

This is something that was running through my head as I boarded a plane bound for the Gold Coast, Australia. The trip was a short one, but it felt like it took forever. Seeing new and familiar faces once I landed was a relief for me.

The reason for this trip? NeonFur 2019.

This was my first big convention in the furry fandom. Also, it was the first time I’ve taken a trip without any of my family with me. So I was nervous for the first day. But my friends helped me to calm down.

Our hotel, the Greenmount Beach Resort, sat right on the boarder of Queensland and New South Wales. Just across from the beach, it was a short walk from any of the necessary shops to survive the con. There was plenty to do in and around the con space.

Our hosts, Kiba and Adezu, made us all feel welcome. The relaxed atmosphere helped ease me into the feel of the con. Sitting around the con space, getting to know the other participants, swimming and checking out the Dealer’s Den was the main point of the day for me. I didn’t stay for much of the dance that night, but from what I saw, it was a lot of fun.

Day 2 was fun, as it was my first time fursuiting, and experiencing it fully within a con space. It was a massive learning curve, and I want to say thank you to all who kept an eye on me while I was running around being an idiot. Laser tag and socialising was the order of the afternoon. And chasing around after a certain dutchie was fun as well.

Day 3, and it was probably my most chill day of the con. I suited up for part of the day, wandered around the con space, and participating in my first bid photoshoot was fun. Making more new friends and just being in the moment was brilliant.

The closing ceremony and auction was a hilarious bash, that had us all in stitches and cheering at the top of our lungs. Items went from small amounts, to outrageous amounts. And all of it went to a brilliant charity. With the money raised going towards Kiwi’s New Life Bird Rescue, the $7469 will go a long way in helping take care of these beautiful birds.

Again, I didn’t stay long for the dance that night, but it was long enough to bounce around with my friends and have a good laugh.

But like all good things, it had to come to an end. The next morning, it was time to pack up and return to Melbourne.

But as I sit here now, typing this, I can’t help but smile as I think back on the amazing weekend I’ve just experienced. Of all the people I’ve met, and the fun times that have come and gone. They are memories that will see me though the months ahead.

And next year? Well, it’s going to be just as magical.

Lastly, I want to say give a big thank you to:



All of the amazing DJ’s

All the dealers

And everyone who participated in the con over the weekend.

You’re all amazing people, and I can’t wait to do it all again next year

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