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  • J. Hawkins

Unity - A Melbourne Furry Convention

Well, it's that time, isn't it? Granted I've never done one of these before, so hopefully I'll do it justice.

Melbourne Furry Convention - was amazing!

Okay, I’m gushing, and I know it. But I had an amazing time. From the moment I rocked up, to the time I left, I was welcomed and treated like everyone had known me for a long time.

Held in the Carlton North’s Boys Scout’s Hall, MFC – Unity started on a bright day. There was already a large crowd outside in the small adjacent park. From sponsors to the regular attendants like me, all 120 people showed up. Or at least it felt like it at times.

While not very big, the hall was more than perfect for what the con needed. It was a gathering place, with a lot of fursuiters taking to the small park for photos and general fun. I was one of them. This was my first furcon, and my first time fursuiting. Unfortunately, I didn’t cope well in the 25oC warmth our summer’s end likes to throw at us, so I spent a lot of time out of head, in just paws and sleaves.

The fursuit walk was the highlight of the day for me. We headed over to Curtain Square, gaining more than a few looks. It’s amazing how much I didn’t care while in Brad, my bunny. Along the way, I had a funny realisation: I was one of the few herbivores out of the bunch. Yikes!

Anyway, we spent a bit of time there, with the local kids swarming us, before heading back for dinner break. After that, it was the after dark party. +18s only. It was fun to just sit and relax after wandering the Dealer’s Den, and not have to keep the child filter on.

After that, we packed up and headed home for the night. No house parties for me, as I had an hour’s drive to get home.

Day 2, and it was scorcher. 32oC, with the only fans being in the fursuit lounge. Yeah, to say I wasn’t going to chance it was an understatement. To be honest, I didn’t think there would be anyone fursuiting today. But there was.

Crazy, but they looked amazing doing it.

The Sunday was more of a chill day. There wasn’t as big a crowd, and everything seemed slower. Maybe due to the heat. I spent most of the day drawing in the chill zone. The heat was making me sluggish, and I think it got to a lot of other people as well.

The highlight of the day, at least in my opinion, was the charity auction. Everything from custom art to a gift certificate from one of our sponsors was on the block. The auctioneers had us in stitches, and kept us going until the very end.

It was at this point I headed home, and didn’t stay for the closing ceremony. As it turns out, it was rather sweet, if the telegram comments were to go by.

Over all, I had a brilliant weekend. It felt a lot like a monthly meet that is normally held; good food and good friends over two days. It was sweetened by the Dealer’s Den, allowing for a reprieve from the heat and to talk with some of the best in the community.

And, as of this morning, the date and location for next year’s MFC is set and tickets are on sale now.

I can’t wait to see what 2020 brings for Melbourne.

Lastly, I want to say give a big thank you to: Pocket Lambzie Kimbo Meekor Emufur Deerlee Moxie Nao Mich Nova Xevious All the volunteers All the dealers And everyone who particiated in the con over the weekend.

You are all amazing!

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