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  • J. Hawkins

Out of this World: MFC 2020

An anniversary.

A return.

A new year.

Melbourne Furry Convention is once again over, after running for a full weekend and being held at a larger venue. Old and new faces arrived to once again celebrate this amazing fandom we are a part of. And it was a spectacular time.

This convention means a lot to me. 2019’s was my first every furry con. I was of the opinion that they couldn’t top themselves again. But Pocket and her amazing staff did more than that. They blew my expectations out of the water.

Each day was a highlight of small precious memories for me. The same relaxed, friendly air form last year was there, but with more space to stretch and connect with others. Spread over the first two floors of the Ibis Hotel of Therry Street, MFC 2020 was a beacon of fun and delight.

The Friday started early for me. Not staying at the hotel, I arrive via train ready to spend time with friends new and old. The first stop was the early access to the dealers den. Familiar booths, with many smiling faces and warm welcomes greeted me. A long walk through the narrow and inviting isle saw me leaving with many new tressures and conversations that made me smile.

The day was split up between hanging around with friends, and meeting new ones. The central hub for me was the 1st floor conference room. The large space was never lacking of friends. And when the suiters turned up to interact, cuddle and dance, it made it 1000% more amazing.

Saturday was much the same. Being able to relax from normal life, and hang with friends was amazing. The highlight for this day was the fursuit walk. The smiles and awe from the folk of Melbourne as we made our way to the small park for photos and fun was heart-warming. To see acceptance and joy made it all the worthwhile. And so many cute suits helped that along.

Sunday was both enjoyable and bittersweet. It was the last day of the con, and reality was around the corner for a lot of us. My day was split between those last trips to the dealer’s den, and running around taking as many photos as I could. The fursuit games were fun to watch, with many crash-tackle hugs happening to staff and suiters. Laughter and cheering were heard for several hours before it was time for the charity auction.

This time, I was more than happy to help with the bidding, coming home with several new items for my ever-growing collection. Shenanigans happened, with Pocket being chased by a curse. But in the end, we did it. We made double what we made the previous year. Which is amazing in and of itself.

The closing ceremony was heart warming and full of happy tears. My own were flowing as we talked about the fun and adventures of the previous three days. But the announcement of 2021’s MFC had me smiling and eager for more. With the close came once last dance before the night was over and it was time to sleep.

MFC has come to hold a dear place in my heart. Not only for being a con I 250% back, but for the experiences and friends that it has allowed me to have. Next year may seem far away right now, but I can’t wait for it to arrive.

I want to give a big thank you to everyone who made this con amazing:

- Pocket

- Lambzie

- Toshi

- Lee

- Emufur

- Meekor

- Carnival

- Silvixen

- Kimbo

- Theramblingfox

- Nova

- Hook

- Times

- All the volunteers

- All the dealers

- And everyone for maki

- And everyone who particiated in the con over the weekend.

You are all amazing! Thank you for a fabulous con.

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